Chief Phil honored for fire service

Phil Schneider, Sandy Fire District 72 chief for nine years and volunteer 47 years since he was a 16-year old high schooler, spoke at Sandy Historical Society’s winter event at the museum January 28.

He showed photos of the fire department which spanned the years. One could not be identified until the only person in the room who recognized it spoke up. Connie Revenue Selzler said the picture was of the first aid station in town before there were fire trucks or a fire hall sometime around the 50s. Without fire trucks, station wagons were used to transport people needing urgent care into a more developed area for medical care. The first aid station was in the area near what is now Sandy Family Restaurant.

On Jul. 1, 2023 Sandy Fire District began a seven-year contract for service with Clackamas Fire District No. 1 for service in our area. The service term ends July 1, 2030. All assets of the Sandy Department, including apparatus and stations, were transferred to Clackamas Fire, who have also been active in community events here. Schneider continued to help with the transition. His retirement party was held at the station the day after the museum’s event.


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