Museum Needs Corn Booth Volunteers

Our biggest fundraiser of the year is fast approaching and we can use all the help we can get! We need at least 12 people per two-hour shift to run the Corn Booth July 8 and 9 during the Sandy Mountain Festival. July may seem a long way away, but as fast as the time has been flying lately, it will seem like no time.

We can use volunteers for shucking fresh corn, cooking, dipping ears of cooked corn into hot butter, fixing holders into the corn, selling corn at the counter, and other support. Nine two-hour shifts start Saturday, July 8, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday, July 9, from 9 a.m. to closing at 5 p.m. The sign-up poster is at the front desk in the museum at 39345 Pioneer Blvd, Sandy. You can also save a spot by messaging through our email:, or by phone: 503-668-3378.

Volunteers and museum staff operate the corn booth festival stand each year to fund college scholarships for SHS seniors. This year the museum was privileged to give four $1500 scholarships to local seniors. This event is a lot of fun and a good way to give back to the community. Thanks for all the great support from you!!


Last Call for Free Workshops


Join us for the Sandy Mountain Festival Parade!