New sewing class starts January 6

Something new is coming to the museum, and the revelation already is sparking a lot of enthusiasm. A new sewing class will meet on the first Saturday of each month, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the museum at 39345 Pioneer Blvd., starting January 6, 2024.

We are excited about this new opportunity to learn needed life skills. Organizer Cathy Crownover is excited too. Seven people asked to join the class even before the signup sheets were designed!

Miss Cathy will teach machine sewing. The class will have seven machines for use by students, or participants may bring their own machines. Museum intern Natalie Brett will teach the hand-sewing part of the class. Each person may bring a project of choice or make one selected by the teachers. The entry fees will be $5 per person.

Cathy Crownover has taught sewing in schools and at the Ant Farm. For years she also has led the Friends of the Museum, a group which meets here most Monday mornings and takes donated and new fabrics and fibers to make items for sale to benefit the museum. Sign up sheets are at the museum, or for more information, call Ken Funk at the museum at 503-668-3378.


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